Sunday 11 September 2011

2011 is the 10th anniversary of 9/11

This year is the tenth anniversary of 9/11 - September 11th 2001. (In America, when you write the date in numbers, you put the month before the day, contrary to British people. So for an American 9/11 is September 11th - the 11th day of the 9th month - but for a British person, 9/11 is the 9th November - the 9th day of the 11th month.)

Watch the cartoon video about 9/11 here ( and answer the questions below:

(1) Which day of the week was the 11th September 2001 ?
(2) At what time did the first aeroplane crash into the towers ?
(3) On the poster it says "World Trade Center". On the tag, it says "World Trade Centre". Why ?
(4) How many passengers on the first plane survived the crash ?
(5) How long was it until the second plane crashed into the second tower ?
(6) What did people start to realise after the second crash ?
(7) Where was the third aeroplane crash ?
(8) What is the Pentagon ?
(9) Why is it called the Pentagon ?
(10) Which tower fell first ?
(11) Who was killed when the tower fell ?
(12) Why did the tower fall ?
(13) What time did the North Tower fall ?
(14) Where did the fourth aeroplane crash ?
(15) Why did the fourth plane crash ?
(16) How many passengers survived this plane crash ?
(17) How many victims were there in total on 9/11 ?
(18) What was the worst attack before 9/11 ?
(19) Listen carefully and complete the definition : "Terrorism is ... "
(20) What is Al Qaeda ?
(22) How many Muslims are there in the world ?
(23) What is the Koran ?
(24) What is fundamentalism ?
(25) Who was Osama Bin Laden ?
(26) How did the USA respond to 9/11 ?
(27) How long did it take to find Bin Laden ?
(28) What is FDNY ?
(29) How long did it take to repair the physical damage to the Pentagon ?
(30) Explain the slogan on the Tshirts.

Now click through and do the quiz online.

This is what the World Trade Centre used to look likebefore the attacks :

As Wikipedia explains :
The September 11 attacks (called September 11, September 11th or 9/11), were a series of four coordinated suicide attacks against the United States on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. On that morning, 19 al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four passenger jets. The hijackers intentionally crashed two planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, and both towers collapsed within two hours. Hijackers crashed a third plane into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. When passengers attempted to take control of the fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, it crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, preventing it from reaching its intended target in Washington, D.C.. Nearly 3,000 died in the attacks.

Go to :
and look at the galleries of photos from 11th September 2011.

Brainstorming : think of all the words that you think of when looking at these pictures. Write them in your exercise book.

Go to and read the survivor's story. (There are other stories you can read when you have finished). Draw a timeline in your exercise book to show the events of that day. (If you have time, do a parallel timeline for this story : )

The huge site left by the Twin Towers was named Ground Zero, which was the name given to the point of impact of the Hiroshima nuclear bomb at the end of the second world war. You can explore the site in 3d here (

This is a computer-generated image of WTC (World Trade Center) 1, formerly known as the Freedom Tower, which is currently under construction and should be finished in 2013. It is designed to be the tallest building in America in 2012. (More information at .)

Can you explain the images and the symbolism ?

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