Sunday 4 September 2011

New York, New York !

So, before we start - what's the capital of the United States ? No, it is NOT New York ! It's Washington DC, which is on the East Coast of the USA too. Don't get confused by Washington State which is in the northwest corner of America. New York is one of the most popular tourist destinations though and that is the city that we will be exploring.

Have a look at these photos of famous New York sites and monuments and see if you can name them all.

If you get stuck, the name of each photo should help !

Now go on a virtual trip and discover the sights and sounds of New York City, by clicking on these websites : New York in 80 photos New York City from the air


Watch the video and answer the questions :

1) What is Broadway famous for ? Who were the first people to use this road ?

2) Where does the name Time Square originate ?

3) How high is the Chrysler Building ? What is it made of ?

4) Which president gave his name to a hall for opera and concerts ?

5) Where can you find expensive shops ?

6) What is the name of the gothic cathedral ?

7) How many floors does the Empire State Building have and how high is it ?

8) When was it built ?

9) How many visitors does it have ?

10) Where is Castle Clinton and who was it named after ? (Clue : it's not Bill Clinton, the former president !)

11) Who was the first president of the United States ?

12) Which famous street is situated in the financial district ?

13) What is Ground Zero ?

14) When was the Brooklyn Bridge built ?

15) What was Ellis Island used for ?

16) Which two nationalities have their own districts and what are they called ?

17) What colour are the taxis (or "cabs") in New York City ?

Watch the short video below and see which monuments you can recognise :


You can even see New York City right now via live webcams at

Enjoy your visit !

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