Sunday 4 September 2011

Show & Tell

One of the regular activities that we will be doing in class is Show & Tell, which is very poular in American primary schools. Wikipedia explains :

Show and tell is the process of showing an audience something and telling them about it, predominantly in North America and also popular in Australia. It is usually done in a classroom as an early elementary school technique for teaching young children the skills of public speaking. Usually, a child will bring an item from home and will explain to the class why they chose that particular item, where they got it, and other relevant information.

You will all have to do a Show & Tell at least once - bring in an object or a photo, a song or a video clip, a website - you choose ! Tell us why you chose it, why it is important or interesting to you and be prepared to answer questions about it from your classmates (and me !). This will be marked so think carefully !

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